Thursday, August 04, 2005

Okay, fine.... I'll see what I can come up with.... lol. My life just lacks any kind of excitement. :-P

The Homecoming weekend in town seemed to go well. I didn't attend the festivities, other than the fireworks on Saturday night. They were awesome!!! The guy that did them is a professional who has been in many competitions, and it was just excellent.

I skipped the school reunion, too. I felt bad the next day when I got an email from an old friend (who only lives an hour away but that I've only seen 3 times in the last 25 years). She had come down for the reunion, and was very disappointed because the few people that she really wanted to see weren't there. I think she was quite hurt. And she went on to say that I need to give her a call when I'm in Saskatoon or maybe she needs to come down again because she really would like to see me, etc. Which is nice.... but on the other hand, I've been here all along and she's known how to get in touch with me. So why now? Just because a reunion sparked a temporary need to get in touch? Don't get me wrong, it would be good to see her, but I think it's just a passing thing, you know? Maybe I shouldn't be so cynical... :-P

Sheldon has been busy trying to locate a vehicle to buy. It's hard to find something that is decent and will be reliable within a reasonable price range. (Thankfully his uncle is a mechanic and can check out potential purchases for him.) If he can find something reasonable, he will need to take out a loan -- his dad is willing to co-sign for his first one, as he did for Robbie. Sheldon is very organized and efficient and has been checking things out quite thoroughly as far as what it will cost him for loan payments, insurance, gas, etc., and what he can expect to earn at his job once he goes back to school in the fall. Right now he has quite a few hours, but that will be cut back once school starts. He's already put some money away, and overall he's done quite well... I'm pleased with his initiative in handling it.

Speaking of co-signing.... Chantelle called last night. She's been talking for some time of going to school this fall, and has been tossing around a number of ideas. She is looking at going to Mount Royal College and taking a course in Reflexology Therapy. The classes are 2 evenings/week + Saturday mornings, which would work well because it would allow her to keep her current job (which she loves). She's applied for a student line of credit, but as she has no credit rating she needs a co-signer -- thus the call last night.

I agreed to co-sign for her -- which is kind of scary for me. At this point in my life I have no debts, and hope not to have any. I don't make alot, but it is enough to make ends meet. I have every confidence that she will find work when she is done and will be able to pay off her loan just fine, but still.... there is just that niggling "what if....." thought rolling around in the back of my mind. However... I will trust that it will all be fine. :-)

Have had to learn alot about trust in the last few years. God has been very good, and has provided some amazing people in my life, who have helped in ways they probably will never realize. Know that you are appreciated beyond words. :-)


Currently reading: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince


September said...

You're there. ;-)

I remember some of our discussions of long ago when you first started the "Singles" thread on the old board. Seems like so long ago, doesn't it?

Slicer said...

Tell Sheldon I've got a car for sale...

September said...

LOL! :-D

While I'm sure he'd love that car, I don't think it's quite within his budget... haha...

September said...

Oops... sorry for not replying to this! HP was great! I finished it a couple of days ago. Wonderful... sad... can't wait for the final one. The only thing with that is... it IS the final book! :-(

I'm sorry you have to wait so long!