Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Today had the potential to be a difficult day, but so far so good. ;-)

Thanks for the chat this morning, Carmel. :-) Thanks for the email this afternoon, Joyce. :-)

I even got rid of the noisy cricket that was driving me crazy this morning with his chirping.... lol. Actually, once I located the lil guy, a patron who was in the library goes "Do you want me to get rid of that for you?" Sure! So the lil guy has a new home in the grass outside. Oh great... he's likely to be back! LOL! She thinks that there is a Chinese or Korean superstition regarding crickets so she didn't want to kill it. ;-)


Currently playing: Life Is ~ Sarah Kelly (great voice!)


Carmel said...

No, thank you ;) You're such a good friend! I'm glad your visitor was successfully relocated...I hope he's happy in his new grassier home :)

Slicer said...

If not, we can dip him in chocolate and have a protein snack...

Anonymous said...

I'm here and I'm positive that I just posted! :)

September said...

Ewwww, Matt.... :-S

Glad you made it back in, Dallas. Hopefully no more spam so that I can leave the word verification off.