Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Exam today

I'm a little nervous, but I think it should be okay.

I'll let ya know how it goes. ;-)

EDIT: It went okay... aside from technical issues (it was done online, supervised at our community college) -- the browser froze completely and wouldn't let me submit!!! With only 10 minutes left before the cutoff, after which time it wouldn't be accepted, we had to call the tech. to find out if I was allowed to re-login to my account that I was working from. Fortunately I could, and I got it all submitted with mere minutes to spare.... lol. That was more stressful than the actual exam! :-P

Now I have to wait to find out how I did.


SRL said...

I'm sure you did awesome! Hey we bought a house today ;-)

September said...

Congratulations, Susanna!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm sure you did great, September!