Wednesday, July 06, 2005

It's not even Friday yet!


Not much to say, just thought I'd do a quick post. I just got back from a 45 minute walk. It is soooo nice out tonight -- well, except for the mosquitoes! I had to wear a light jacket -- it was really too warm for it once I got walking, but without it the mosquitoes were driving me crazy. But yeah, it was a hot day, and a beautiful calm night. Now, if you live in Saskatchewan, you understand that is rarely ever calm here.... lol.

Work has been busy, which is a good thing. Everyone's stocking up on their summer reading. It was funny, the last day of school, I had a number of teachers stop in. They loaded up on books and were heading for the lake as soon as possible. Lucky them!

Sheldon headed off to Calgary yesterday to spend his week with Chantelle. I know they'll have fun. They have a couple of concerts to see during Stampede Week, including the Stabilo concert tomorrow night {so probably only Alan has any clue who Stabilo is, but that's okay. ;-) }

Fortunately Sheldon was able to get a ride out to Calgary with his dad in the truck... that saved quite a bit on bus fare. It would be nice if he can get a ride back, too, but if not he'll be riding the bus.

I'm hungry, time to go find something to eat. *yawn* Such boring updates.... hahaha....

Currently playing: Heaven ~ DJ Sammy (cuz it's stuck in my head)
Currently reading: Monster ~ Jonathan Kellerman (only one of several books I have on the go)


Anonymous said...

Geat to hear from you! Got a jump on the Friday update, eh? ;-)

Mosquitoes are just another one of the creatures I'm gonna ask God about. Pesky little nuisances! (Did I spell that right? Looks strange...oh well).

I'm saddened by the tragedy in London. Frustrated is another feeling......

It's rainy here. Good thing, too, b/c we needed it (and the mosquitoes now have even more places to reproduce :p).

Hope Sheldon has a blast!! Hope you get some time for yourself and get to catch up on your reading. Currently in my BookMate: "Lost in Rooville" by Ray Blackston.

Well, have a nice weekend.


The Great Mooski said...


I have a blog now, too. Look what you have done!!!! ;-)

We can now compete to see who updates theirs the fastest. Ha!!

Take care!


September said...

LOL!!! Too funny! That's how most of us started... hahaha.