Monday, July 11, 2005

It was a nice evening for a walk. Still fairly warm out, and the mosquitoes were only mildly annoying tonight... lol.

I did a bit of yard work yesterday (blech!), and spent much of this afternoon cleaning out cupboards/pantry. I've slowly been working at de-cluttering and clearing alot of junk out of my life... and that seems to relate not only to my physical surroundings, but mentally as well. They seem to go hand in hand. A couple of weeks ago I totally cleaned out a closet (I am such a packrat!!!) in my bedroom. Tossed some stuff, packed other stuff up to give away, and then had to reorganize what was left. Put up some shelving (that was an experience in itself), and then got all the rest of the stuff reorganized. It felt good, and of course I wondered to myself why it took me so long to do anything about it. Story of my life.... :-P

Sheldon comes home tomorrow night on the bus. Well, he leaves Calgary tomorrow night, gets home early Wednesday morning. I only talked to the kids once since he left, but they were having a good time.

I really want some ice cream. That kinda defeats the purpose of walking, doesn't it? Well, technically no... because I'm not walking to lose weight specifically (although that would be a bonus), but to be more physically active and fit. So yeah.... I have some Breyer's Strawberry Shortcake ice cream just calling my name.... maybe just a small dish... ;-)

Oh hey... anyone play Scrabble? I play Literati (which is the same as Scrabble) on Yahoo games with Josh. Last night we were playing with another friend, and my first word on the board, I used all my letters -- 53 points! Included 35 bonus points for using all the letters! I beat his all time single scoring of 43 points. Now it's on.... lol.

Okay, ice cream time.... ;-) Have a nice night peeps!

Currently playing: Alive in This Moment ~ Starfield (who are going to be touring w/ Todd Agnew!)


The Great Mooski said...

I play scrabble. Well, I did. The only person I ever played with was my mom. Gosh, she was too good!!!!!

Hope Sheldon has an uneventful trip home.

I need to clean AND get some exercise. We're going to Six Flags for some concerts on Saturday, so I know I'll walk a lot there. I need to do more than that though. Had to get more pants for work and...ugh. That's all I want to say!

September said...

Oh man... I have been craving a Blizzard like crazy lately. There's no where to get one here. I'm not much for fruity kind, give me a chocolatey/candy kind, like that Butterfinger one... *drools*

Maybe I'll catch ya some night for a game, Dallas. :-)

I can sympathize with you on the pants thing, Amy. Not recently, but been there before... ugh. I didn't used to be very motivated to exercise, but I'm working on it, and it's getting better. I always had good intentions, but had trouble sticking with it. I'm a night person, so evening walks work well for me.

The Great Mooski said...

I think it would be easier if it was just me. It's a whole lot harder motivating for two. You're always wondering if the other person begrudges you, even though they said they were fine with going for a walk or whatever (instead of watching a movie, etc).

It's so hot during the day, but I might just cash in on some "me" time with the mp3 player and my walking shoes tomorrow. We've tried walking at night (and I like it), but just can't seem to get a good routine going.

September said...

That's interesting, because I would think it would be better with two, cuz then you've got someone to keep you motivated and be accountable to. That's how I started out (but my exercise partner quit on me.... lol). But I guess it depends on the situation. I find that if I have a set time that I go, then it's easier to stay on track. Anyway....

I may have to walk extra tonight. I splurged and got Chinese takeout tonight, and I ate WAY too much. :-P

The Great Mooski said...

It depends on whether or not your partner is there by choice ;-).

We had Greek. Aren't we international tonight? ;-)

Come to TX and walk with me, September!!! Wait. Let's both start walking, meet in the middle and, by that time, we won't have to exercise the rest of our lives!!!! Hahahaha....

September said...

LOL! That's funny, cuz I just got home from my walk, and as I was walking I thought to myself, "Too bad Amy and I couldn't walk together. That would be fun." ;-)

Yeah, we wouldn't have to exercise for the rest of our lives cuz we'd be DEAD! hahahaha

Anonymous said...

LOL! You two crack me up...

Scrabble/Literati are awesome. Ashley and I play all the time (when we can). We've gotta play Literati sometime. ;-)