Thursday, January 18, 2007

Education Opportunity

(Some of you will have seen this already...)

Blah.... I hate making decisions!

I got an email from HQ yesterday afternoon with an offer to take an online Certificate in Library Training course. Now, as most of you know, I work in a very small public library (town pop. 1,100). I don't have any "formal" training, it was all done on the job. I have a lot of experience, after 8.5 years, but no formal training. Now, it isn't required for my current job (although it would be helpful), however if I was to someday move and and wanted to find employment within the same field, then it would definitely be an asset (and most likely a requirement).

There is a prerequisite class that will run from the end of January to mid-April, at a cost of $500.00. The deadline for registration is MONDAY, January 22. It's short notice, but HQ was only informed about it yesterday. The other courses will be offered over a period of time, and vary in price.

It is both a financial and a time commitment, and I'm not certain if I'm prepared for either at the moment! But I don't have a lot of time to make that decision. Blah.... Do I sound panicky? Cuz that's how I feel.... lol. *deep breath*

Some prayer would be lovely. :-)



Anonymous said...

Go for it, September! It's always good to have the background if you decide to move in the future. (Of course, I love school, so it sounds like fun to me.)

Anonymous said...

I agree with Kathy.
If you ever see yourself moving to a different location, this class will serve you well. I'd see if the library would pay for it as well. That way you could save the money.

September said...

I wish they could pay...

The library is moving to a new location, and the building needs to be painted (the entire interior), a ramp built to make it wheelchair accessible, the bathroom renovated for the same reason, etc. Some of the costs will be picked up by the town, but the library also has to fundraise a bunch to pay for some of the expenses. Most of the labour will be donated, but there is still a fair bit of cost involved. Our local library board just does not have money... we have to fund raise all the time.

Our regional headquarters has some money in a bursary fund, and upon completion of the class I could apply for the annual bursary. I don't know how much it is, but anything would help!

Thanks for the encouragement, you guys. :-)