Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Wasting time at work.... lol

I wish we had emoticons here, or could insert some. I was wanting that :hyper: dude from Hostboard smilies.... lol.

Yup, a lil excited today. Leaving tomorrow morning for TX! Well, actually I go an hour and a half to "the city", have lunch with a friend, and then fly out mid-afternoon. Will get to TX about 9:30 p.m., and apparently will be hitting The Waffle House after getting picked up at the airport.... mmmmm. :-D

I can't wait... It's going to be an awesome time -- wonderful friends, a concert... did I mention wonderful friends... lol. And yes, a bit of an escape. Temporary, but an escape all the same. Not really wanting to think about junk I have to deal with when I return, but am putting all of that on hold for now and am just going to enjoy myself.

I never would have thought, 3+ years ago, that I would have this opportunity. I never would have imagined making such amazing friendships, let alone actually getting to meet. It's been an interesting journey, without a doubt. My only disappointment is that I had hoped to meet a couple of board peeps who now can't make it... :-( Maybe one day in the future...

I heard from a couple of friends today. One who'd been kind MIA for the past little bit -- I learned that she's been going through a rough time lately. I feel bad that I didn't know -- not that I could have since I hadn't heard from her recently, but still. She's always been there for me, and I wish I'd known so I could have been praying for her. But now I know, and will. *hugs* for you, S.

Another friend I'm in frequent contact with but hadn't heard from for just a few days. She's been ill with what they thought were migraines, but she ended up at the emergency room and had a ton of tests done. Hopefully everything is okay, I'll check in with her when I get back. She's been my rock and my support lately. Get better soon, J.!!!!

Last night Sheldon was playing shinny with some friends and he fell onto both his elbows. He is so sore today -- both from the elbows and also just from skating for a couple of hours, he's not used to that. He has a basketball game after school, so that's gonna hurt.... ouch. :-(

Wow, Lent starts tomorrow. Hard to believe another year has gone by. We have our church's Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper tonight. Not sure if I'm going, we'll see how the rest of the day goes. I might go but skip out early so I can get some things finished up at home.

I'm going to miss the Ash Wednesday service tomorrow night. First time in a long time. It's one of my favorite services. In fact, I like all of the Lenten services. Some people think Lent is rather depressing, but I like it. It can be a good time for reflection -- not that it always is because I can tend to get too busy with life and neglect the spiritual, but overall I still like it.

I'm at work, but really not wanting to be here.... can you tell? Hahaha.... I guess I should get back to it. Things I should clear up before going. My assitant librarian just got back yesterday from 3 weeks in England (she even worked out her trip so that she could be back in time for me to leave --originally she had planned to be gone the same time I was, but her plans were more flexible than mine). No doubt she's jetlagged, but will be in sometime today to catch up on what she's missed, etc. I should make it at least look like I'm accomplishing something today.... lol.

Currently playing: Jars of Clay ~ Who We Are Instead

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