Wednesday, October 24, 2007

It's finally going to happen...

Yes, after 10 long, frustrating months, we are finally going to be moving the library! We've been preparing some stuff this week, and will close on Friday -- scheduled to re-open on Tuesday, November 6. I'm tired already... we've had lots to do this week. It's going to be a long, exhausting next while. It will be so nice once we're there -- I keep telling myself that! LOL

I did finally get a hold of Chantelle, but not until a couple of days later. It was so weird, and I thought it was a problem with her cell phone, because I knew she'd been having a bit of trouble with it. I tried many, many times over the weekend. When I tried on Sunday night, I got connected with whoever I connected with the very first time I called on her birthday -- but it wasn't her! Some strange guy, noisy TV in the background, dog barking... it was very strange. He yelled at someone to come to the phone, but no one ever did and I eventually hung up. I was puzzled, and after not being able to reach her for a couple of days, I was also getting very worried. (It's a scary feeling when your child -- no matter the age -- is across the world and you can't get in touch at all.)

Long story, but eventually I was able to get her. I had been calling her with a phone card (for cheaper rates), and although it was the same kind I've always used, for some reason it wasn't working properly and it was either connecting me to someone else or not connecting me at all. (I later tried the same card, calling a different number, and it worked perfectly fine. Crazy.)

I had been rather stressed all weekend when I couldn't reach her, so it was a tremendous relief when I finally did get her. I still felt bad that I hadn't talked to her on her birthday -- mom-guilt, but I didn't want her to think that I had forgotten to call!


Anonymous said...

Glad the move is in the works finally!
Hope the weather holds for y'all.

Anonymous said...


That was me!