Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Not much new....

We've gotten started on some stuff at the new library building -- spent a morning stripping old wallpaper on Monday. Oh, fun.... Hopefully the painting can get started soon. We're having some disagreements with regard to the paint colors in one room. I knew we'd run into this problem... a group of women trying to agree on paint colors... oy... An even bigger problem is finding someone to build the ramp and renovate the bathroom for wheelchair accessibility. All the local contractors are very busy and don't have time until at least summer, and we need it done within the next month or so.

The move is going to be a huge job, but the payoff will be great!

Two weeks until I leave for Arizona. :-D I finally finished scrapbooking my pictures from my summer trip... lol.

Chantelle's gone to Perth for a few weeks with a friend from England. I haven't heard from her since she got there, it'll probably be a little while before she calls again.

That's about it for now...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah, too bad you don't have a designer you can call to help you with colors . . . hmmm . . .