Tuesday, November 08, 2005

It's beginning to look alot like... winter!

Yup, it's been snowing since sometime during the night, and is still coming down a bit. It's actually fairly mild temperature-wise, and the snow is melting a bit. It's very wet and sticky. Snowball fight anyone?! :-D

Still don't like winter, but it's inevitable. I'll try not to complain today, but no promises for the rest of the winter... LOL.

I think that Sheldon and I are going to go to Saskatoon on Monday to do some Christmas shopping. I actually have 3 gifts purchased -- all online. One was a great eBay purchase that I'm pleased about -- not only the product, but the price! ;-)

On Saturday I go to Regina for the election of our diocesan bishop. There are 6 candidates, and 2 of those are women. I have a strong feeling that one of those women could get elected -- and I think that would be great. She would be wonderful. I think if she is elected she would be only the second Anglican woman bishop in Canada. We shall see how it goes.

1 comment:

Slicer said...

I love snow!!!
Hope your trip goes well.