Monday, April 18, 2005

I spent much of the last two days doing yardwork -- mostly just raking leaves, etc. Bags and bags and bags of leaves... lol. The boys were gone on the weekend, so I worked by myself yesterday afternoon, but Sheldon was off school today so he helped me this afternoon. Our yard is so big and needs so much work... and I HATE yardwork. I really do. I used to have a garden some years ago, but finally gave up on it when I started working at the library. I never enjoyed it, and it seemed like I never had the time that was necessary to keep it from getting overgrown with weeds. I did NOT inherit a green thumb from my mom, that's for sure. Man, I even kill houseplants! It's so bad.... haha.

Sheldon sent in his application today for TEC (Teens Encounter Christ) in May. Yes!!! He's been waiting 4 years to be old enough to go, and for awhile there we didn't know if it was going to work out for that weekend. But it did work out, and he's going. He is going to have such a great weekend. I wish I could be there. I miss TEC so much. My TEC weekend as an adult observer was one of the most amazing experiences. I pray that he will be able to say the same. :-) I am so excited for him. I need to start getting wheat ready... ;-)

Chantelle called last night. She often phones when she's riding the train home from work -- she gets bored easily... lol. She's doing well, the jobs are going fine -- although she is very tired with working 2 jobs. But it's all good. She started team meetings for TEC last week, so that is exciting. Such fun. :-D

She wants Sheldon to come out to Calgary again this summer for the Stampede. They had such a good time last summer. If he goes out by July 7th, they can go to the Stabilo concert. Cool. Sheldon is planning to go to camp again this summer, too, so that's good. I wasn't sure if he'd still want to go. He's drifted away from so much of that stuff this past year.

He goes for his driver's test on May 3!!! Yikes.... He's had some driving time in with the instructor through school driver's ed classes, but hasn't had any practise otherwise. Which has frustrated me. I can't take him out since I don't drive. It frustrates and makes me mad when others don't take up their responsibility...... Would it be that difficult? He's had his learner's now for almost 6 months. Instead, I had to make a call and make sure that it happened. Why is it always up to me? Grrr.... Ongoing theme in my head today. I had too much time to think while raking leaves.... and I'd better quit now before I say more than I should ... =\

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