Wednesday, May 04, 2005

I feel like I should be updating, yet there doesn't seem to be a whole lot to say.... which I guess is an okay thing, too.

Sheldon went for his driver's test yesterday. Unfortunately, he didn't pass. He was quite disappointed, especially since a buddy went for his right after him and did pass. So, he needs to get some more practise time in, especially with his parallel parking, and he goes again in a couple of weeks.

He's home sick today. He wasn't feeling very well yesterday, and woke up very sick this morning. Robbie's had the same thing, only not as severe... I think I'll try to keep my distance. ;-)

It has been so cold lately, even having snow last week. It's finally starting to warm up a bit this week. Hopefully spring is actually here to stay!

I need to go buy a new toaster today. It's funny... a few weeks ago, my mom asks my sister and I if either of us needs a toaster, she had one she was getting rid of. I said "nope", and so she gave it away elsewhere. Guess what? This week our toaster dies.... lol. Oh well, it's just a toaster... it's not like it's an expensive item to replace. :-P

Ahh, yes, such an exciting update this was.... haha. Now that I've bored you to tears, I shall go buy my toaster and shop for Mother's Day gifts. ;-)

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