Monday, August 29, 2005

Back to school... summer is gone again...

The first day back to school, and now the weather gets nice again... lol. Isn't that always the way. :-P

Sheldon is in grade 11 this year. Man... it's hard to believe. Every summer seems to go so fast, and every year... before I know it my baby will be graduating. Yikes.

I have mixed feelings. On the one hand, the whole "empty nest" thing is sad -- letting your children go is tough. Life changes so much, and you miss them so much, even while you are excited for them. And yet... at the same time, reaching that stage in life is.... liberating (good word, Joyce). I love my kids beyond words -- they have been my life -- but in the natural progression of life, as each child grows up, I become more comfortable with that time when they will have all left home and made their own lives. And while I certainly don't want the next years to go quickly, in a sense I do look forward to it. To what life holds in store. This probably doesn't make much sense to alot of you (as most of you reading this are much younger than me or don't have older kids), and it's kind of hard to explain.


Last year around this time, I had alot going on, alot of uncertainty and confusion and pain, especially for several months. During that time a friend from church got cancer and died very shortly after, and there were just so many other things... The past few days have really brought alot of those memories up, and I'm working through some of that. I'm okay -- I am in a much better place now -- I just have some difficult moments now and then. But life is good. :-)

Okay, so something less depressing..... lol. Gonna see my girl next Monday! :-D

Chantelle is going to Regina for the Labour Day weekend, to spend time with some friends from Winnipeg that she hasn't seen for a year. Labour Day weekend is the traditional Saskatchewan Roughriders/Winnipeg Blue Bombers football game, and her friends are going and invited her to join them. She has very little time so she won't be able to make it home, but Sheldon and I are going to go down on Monday and hang out with her for the afternoon before she heads back to Calgary. Should be fun! :-) (and then it's only a few months till Christmas and she comes home for a longer visit! Woohoo!)

Yikes! Christmas!!!!! O.O


Currently playing: Everything Changes ~ Staind

1 comment:

Slicer said...

I understand a little about kids moving out/moving on. Although, I'm of the school that feels they need that sink or swim opportunity fairly early. Maybe that's just because we need the room...

Praying for you, #9.