Tuesday, March 29, 2005

I am generally a pretty forgiving person. But sometimes, I let certain things really get to me, and I know I shouldn't. Not even big stuff, but stupid stuff that in the long run doesn't really matter. So why do I let it bug me? Why do I go back to it, letting it irritate me over and over again? I suppose because the situation never really gets resolved, just shelved for a little while. I should learn to step away. Blahh....

This next ramble is not about me in particular, but is more of an observation about self-forgiveness.

Forgiveness... not an easy concept alot of the time. Forgiveness not only of others, but of ourselves. I think that for some people, that is the hardest, forgiveness of self. Without it, there isn't peace. Without it, we only punish ourselves. Our wounds do not heal. Forgiveness doesn't mean that what was done or said or whatever was "okay". It means that we accept that it happened, we accept the consequences and deal with them, and we release the guilt we feel. And with it, the pain. But so often we don't feel worthy of forgiveness, and I think that we can withhold it as a way to subconsciously punish ourselves. We may think that in forgiving ourselves we are not holding ourselves accountable, that we are "letting ourselves off the hook", or that we are somehow justifying what we've done. We are still accountable, but we need to know that we are still worthy and loveable and acceptable -- that we are human, and we make mistakes.

Forgiveness is an act of love. It's hard to forgive ourselves if we don't love ourselves. Forgiveness is not a sign of weakness. On the contrary, it often takes great strength to forgive. Unforgiveness causes so much hurt, so much pain.

Forgiveness does not necessarily mean forgetting. It is about not bringing up the issue to yourself over and over again in a negative way. It is about letting it go so that you can move on in a healthy and positive way.

The negative energy involved in holding onto our guilt is draining, exhausting. And when we hold onto our guilt, we hold onto anger.... and often that anger is turned toward others. So we can end up hurting other people as a result. But most of all, we hurt ourselves -- physically by how it affects our health, and mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

When we cannot forgive ourselves, we carry this heavy weight with us all the time. If we can forgive, we can put down that weight down and leave it behind us. Like a piece of heavy luggage -- do we want to carry that around with us, to live with the pain of doing so, or do we want to release our grip on it and feel the weight lifted? Can we give ourselves permission to heal?

Sometimes we don't receive forgiveness from someone we have hurt even after we have apologized and done our best to make amends, but hopefully we can find it within our own hearts to forgive ourselves. For only through forgiveness can we find the peace we long for.

We can't change the past, but we can change how we deal with the present. It is not easy, but it can be done... and with others who love us walking by our side, the seemingly impossible may seem just a little bit easier.

Friday, March 25, 2005

It always amazes me how God uses the people in my life to remind me of His presence, to encourage me, to teach me, to love me... I shouldn't be surprised, I know, but it still amazes me all the time. It's that perfect timing... it's like "Yes! Thank you, God, you know I needed that today..." :-) Thank you, Alan, for sharing your gift and for the song. *hugs*

It's been a quiet day. I went to the ecumenical Good Friday service this morning. It was good, but for some reason not like other years. I don't know if it was the service itself, or if it was me. I seemed to be very distracted and couldn't focus. I dunno....

Sheldon went to the annual car show in Saskatoon with his dad. I hope they have fun -- it is good that they have some time together, there isn't enough of that. I think Robbie and Rachel went as well, at least they were talking about going. Since I don't have to work today, I have the house to myself and am just chillin'. ;-)

Chantelle called the other day. She got a job working at a coffeeshop downtown. It will be steady hours, 10:30-4:30, Mon-Fri. That's only 28 hours a week, though, so she asked if she could work evenings and weekends at Old Navy as well (she started there last week, different location than before). Her manager was very accomodating, so hopefully that will all work out well.

I miss her... I wish she could be home for Easter, or just be home anytime to visit. She lives too far away for me, but such is life. Thankfully we live in a time of telephones and email. ;-)

Laundry calls. I should get something done today.... lol.

Happy and Blessed Easter to everyone. :-)

Currently playing: Never Look Away ~ Building 429

Sunday, March 20, 2005

The Passion

I watched "The Passion of the Christ" again today... I got the dvd for Christmas, but hadn't watched it. Haven't seen it since the first time, the week it came out in the theatre. Today is Palm Sunday, and we read the Passion account from the Gospel of Matthew in church today. The whole time, I'm seeing it in my mind. So I decided that today was a good day to watch it.

It was emotionally draining. Not as bad as the first time, but still draining.

It's been that kind of day... alot of things on my mind today...

Currently playing: Grace and Love ~ Kutless

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says...I'll try again tomorrow. ~ Unknown

Another email "thought of the day". I just liked it.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

This was the "thought of the day" in my email this morning:

"True kindness presupposes the faculty of imagining as one's own the suffering and joys of others." ~ Andre Gide

Kind of interesting as I sat here this morning hurting with a friend, and wishing that there was some way to ease the pain, willing to take it on myself if only I could do so. Which of course I can't. All I can do is listen, and offer my love and support. When someone I love hurts, I hurt. And I feel so helpless. I hate that sense of helplessness. I want to be able to do more.

What is my role? I'm not a dispenser of great wisdom or advice (although I remember being told one time that my advice was better than I thought... haha). I don't have all the right words, or insight. My words seem futile a lot of the time. I get frustrated with myself because sometimes I know in my heart what I mean or what I want to say, but don't always seem to be able to express it.

But I care. And I listen. I seem to have a role of being a listener, and an encourager. And maybe that is enough. Maybe it's someone else's job to fill in with the other things that are needed. Maybe I have to trust that what I am doing is enough, and that the rest will be provided.

Currently playing: Calmer of the Storm ~ downhere

When everything is wrong
The day has passed and nothing's done
And the whole world seems against me
When I'm rolling in my bed, there's a storm in my head
I'm afraid of sinking in despair.....

(Not for me this time... this song got me through many a bad time, but this time, it's not for me...)

Monday, March 14, 2005

I had a wonderful time at the conference. Very interesting discussions, and it was so great to see my friends. I felt really bad because Lana was supposed to go with me, and she couldn't make it. But it was so great to see my other friends, and it was really good to have a chat with Elaine. She told me I looked like I was at peace. I'm glad that it is noticeable, because I am. :-)

I was so tired afterward, and ended up staying up really late the night I got home, talking to Chantelle. Had to nap on Sunday afternoon... lol. I love having naps on Sundays.

So, still no job yet for Chantelle, but she's waiting to hear back. They are hiring for 2 positions, but interviewed alot of people. If they are interested, she could get called back to work on either Friday or Saturday night, and be evaluated on her job performance, then wait again after that. In the meantime, she's still out looking.

She went to pick up her final paycheque from the PP job, only to find out that the guy hadn't signed the cheques and had left for the weekend. She was not impressed! What a screwy place...

Almost done with reports for work.... ugh.... I hate reports. Got my income tax done and mailed. Cross that one off the list.... lol.

Oh...... I almost forgot!!! I heard from some good friends a couple of nights ago -- a message saying "Call me ASAP!". They just got engaged! I am sooooo excited and sooooo happy for them!!! Congratulations, you two. ;-)

Not much else happening. Time to go play a quick game of literati online with a friend before bed. ;-)

Currently playing: Angel's Wings ~ Social Distortion

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

I wish there was some way to take another person's pain away. There isn't. We each have our own to deal with. I only hope that something I do or say can help to ease it, just a little.


Today is Chantelle's job interview. Praying that it goes well, and that she gets the job.

I'm going to a diocesan workshop/conference out of town this weekend. It was originally supposed to be a bigger conference last fall, but due to a number of factors including low registrations it was postponed till spring. Now the entire format has been changed. I'm sure it will still be good, but something different from what was originally planned. The Primate of the Anglican Church of Canada is the guest speaker (the primate is the bishop of highest rank in the country). I'm certain that at least some of the discussion will be surrounding the recent request that the Canadian and American churches voluntarily withdraw from the Anglican Consultative Council due to the issues of the ordination in the U.S. of gay bishop Gene Robinson and of same-sex blessings in Canada. I hope that the discussions can take place in a peaceful manner. There is so much division already...

It will be good to see some friends this weekend. The only time we see each other is at these workshops, and it's always a blessing to spend time together. :-)

So many struggles with my faith in the past few years... so many questions and at times frustration. Not that there is anything wrong with questioning and doubting, I think that is how we grow. But sometimes it leaves you feeling very lost. I read something last night that someone said on a message board: "God likes questions. If you don't ask, how can He answer?" I liked that. :-)

Currently playing: Treasure of Jesus ~ SCC

Sunday, March 06, 2005

It's always interesting to see how things interconnect, how something I've been thinking about, talking about, reading about, etc. ends up relating to something that someone else has also been contemplating in some manner.

Last night, I was talking to someone about friendships and relationships that I have made online, through the message boards, and about how some people in my life will view that negatively. But I know, without a doubt, that those people, those friendships and relationships, have had a purpose. Both for me, and in some cases that I'm aware of, for them. I would not be the person that I am today, I would not be where I am today, if not for those people. I would not have the strength to deal with the things in my life, I would not have gotten to this particular place in my life, without them. A place that I need to be. They have taught me so much, and given me the love and support that I have needed.

If only some people could see things through my eyes....

Anyway, it was interesting, because I posted something on the boards last night in response to someone's thread. I almost took it down later, because it was fairly personal and I rarely talk about personal stuff in a public forum. But after some thought, I decided to leave it up. I'm glad I did. Because John found that it related to some of his recent thoughts, and his sharing of his thoughts related back to mine.... and well, it was just cool.

That used to happen alot. I suppose it still would if I was sharing more.


This past week was a pretty good one, with the exception of Chantelle losing her job... man.... How stupid. Her and another girl approach their boss to talk about scheduling and some other issues, and get fired on the spot. He obviously can't deal with anything, and he's now on his own, so good luck to him! Let him handle the whole place by himself. Sheesh......

She got a telemarketing job, but hopefully it's just temporary... she just hates it. She has an interview on Wednesday at a good restaurant in a key area of the city (very busy), so hopefully she gets that. She would be hostessing, but with any luck could move to serving, which would be great for tips. Praying it all works out for her. I'm not in a position right now to offer her much financial assistance, as much as I would like to. Trusting that all will be well.

Otherwise, things are good. I feel more at peace than I have in a long time. :-)

Currently playing: Take Me In ~ Kutless