Friday, March 30, 2007

I'm home

My vacation was wonderful. Sad to leave... on many levels. :-( Due to airline issues, I ended up missing my flight on Wednesday, so I stayed an extra day. That was nice. :-)

Got home about midnight last night. This morning, I discovered that the sewer had backed up. Great, just great.... It hasn't been a good day. *sigh*


Alan said...

Trust me, right now I can relate to not having a great day. Some encouragement that has helped me:

And no matter how you feel
It's what you do that matters
This is your moment to be strong
Today's your day
It's on
~Superchick, It's On

I'm glad to be back in the land of the internet, and hope that we will keep in better touch this time around. ;-)

God bless you, my friend.

September said...

Thanks for the encouragement, Alan. I don't listen to much Superchick, so I'm not familiar with the song, but I like the part you quoted. :-)

I'm sorry that you're relating to not having a great day. I read your blog, but didn't comment yet. Know that you are always in my prayers.

*Hugs* for you.